St Paul’s supports the following charities… Faithworks Wessex helps people across Bournemouth, Poole and Dorset; connect with their community, better manage their money and cope when in food crisis. Visit web site.
“PACE – at their last meeting the PCC agreed to make PACE one of our nominated charities, replacing Julia’s House. They made this decision because although both are excellent causes, only churches will support the work of PACE. PACE stands for ‘Programme for Applied Christian Education.’ They are a Christian schools work charity established in 1994, partnering with local churches in Poole, Bournemouth and Christchurch to provide excellent learning opportunities in schools so that every student can ask their biggest questions, explore the Christian faith and investigate the life and claims of Jesus. You can find out more on their website and there are copies of their latest newsletter at the back of church. If you’d like to receive the newsletter you can sign up on their website or ask to be sent one in the post.
The following are charities supported by members of the church family…
Chernobyl Children’s Life Line: The Wessex branch of the Chernobyl Children’s Life Line seeks to raise £8,000 each year in order to bring 16 Chernobyl children here for one month’s respite care during the Summer. Research has shown that by removing the children from the toxic pollution which still exists where they live in this way increases their life expectancy by up to five years. The children that we help come from regions of the Ukraine badly affected by the Chernobyl nuclear reactor explosion in 1986. Speak to John and Carolyn Martindale
Read Easy Poole: Read Easy is a not-for-profit organisation which recruits and trains volunteers to support adults who want help with their reading. Contact Susan Ridd (Coordinator) See web site.
Poole Food Bank: The church supports Poole Food Bank which helps individuals and families who, for a variety of reasons, do not have the money to buy the food they need. There is a basket at the back of the church, on the right hand side as you go in, for food donations. For information see here