Parochial Church Council

where can i buy Clomiphene for pct The PCC is responsible for the church’s finances and for the care and maintenance of the building. It shares the vicar’s responsibility for promoting the mission of the Church in the Parish, has a voice on the forms of service used and can represent the views of the Parish to the Bishop. The PCC is made up of members elected each year by the congregation and, ex officio, the Vicar, Churchwardens and Parish representatives on the Deanery and Diocesan Synods. St.Paul’s PCC meets regularly. All members of the congregation are encouraged to become members of the PCC and become involved in the decision-making at St.Paul’s. The term of the PCC membership is 1-3 years and new faces are always welcome. If you have any concerns please speak to any PCC member.

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Church Warden

Assistant Church Wardens

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PCC Members