The organ was handed over to St Paul’s by Dr Ken Coombe on 9th March 2014. This marvellous instrument has the scope of a cathedral organ, with digitally sampled sound so accurate that you can hear the wind rushing through the pipes!
We are open to allowing any serious student (or accomplished player) to use the organ, subject to the building being available!
There are 54 stops on the three manuals and pedal board, including a floating Solo organ which can be attached to any or all of the keyboards. The sound ranges from a barely audible Vox Celeste to a mighty Tuba backed by up to four full organs.
The computer allows 36 preselected piston settings, so that rapid registration is surprisingly easy. And the 36 pre-sets can be reserved for 8 different users. The general crescendo pedal changes the stops of the entire organ ranging through very quiet to very loud. Most players prefer to the use the three independent pedals for Swell, Choir and Solo organs.
There is a choice of three completely different organ intonations for the user to specify – currently Organ 1 is an English Father Willis sound, Organ 2 is a baroque sound and Organ 3 is a theatre organ! Each of the 61 keys on the manuals and all of 54 stops can be tuned to the user’s taste (and the building’s acoustics). Organ buffs – buy stromectol 3 mg Click to see the specification
See the following links for some recordings made by Jim Green (rather imperfect, but they give a good idea how the organ sounds): there are further links on buy isotretinoin acne Music at St Paul’s page
Now thank we all our God (JS Bach)