Bunch of Blokes is the group for men aged 18+ at St Paul’s Church. It meets throughout the year on a social basis. All are welcome and we encourage Church members to bring their friends (and sometimes their sons!). For more info please speak to Paul Brayshaw, Dave Pawling or contact the church office: 01202 605311 or email.
Programme 2022
9th April Saturday Walk on Canford Heath and Continental Breakfast back at church (for non walkers just breakfast is ok from 9.45am and wait if we are not back yet) Meet at the church for 8.30 Start
20th May Friday Evening Walk from Coy Pond to Bournemouth via the gardens for a pint and then back. Meet up to start by Coy pond by 7pm
24 – 26th June CVM The Gathering Camp booking required see tickets currently early bird rate £109.00 per person (Food will be extra)
July Beach BBQ from 6pm date tbc
August Pub evening at the Pilot join us for drink and a natter from 7pm date tbc
Sign up sheets will be put up each month at the back of church, please do sign up so we have an idea of numbers attending.