Planning a visit?

At St. Paul’s you’ll find a friendly and welcoming church family of all ages that loves to learn from the Bible, sing God’s praises and serve the local community as an expression of our love for Jesus Christ. Everyone is welcome at St Paul’s whatever your age, background or experience of the Christian faith.
We are a church for the whole family, with ‘Sunday Club’ providing fun Bible based and age-appropriate activities for children and young people. Older children meet during the week.
Our highest priority is learning from the Bible together so that we can know God better and grow as Christians. We are part of the Church of England, but we welcome all Christians from any denomination or background. Do come and join us next Sunday at 10:00 am – we look forward to welcoming you! You will find us near the Asda supermarket on Culliford Crescent
In addition to Sunday worship there are opportunities to meet together during the week and we are involved in a variety of community activities. Some details of our upcoming events can be seen in Church News. Please do explore our website further (you can enter keywords in the Search panel at top right of every page). If you would like to know more or have any queries, please contact the church office on 01202 605311 or email Office
We regularly run Christianity Explored. It’s a free, informal and relaxed seven-week course for anyone who wants to think about what Christianity says about the meaning of life. It’s designed to help you explore the big issues we all think about and looks at the person at the heart of the Christian faith – Jesus Christ. You can ask any question you want and meet people on a similar journey to you. We each get one life to live – Christianity Explored helps you to explore what it’s all about. To find out more please visit this page, contact the church office on 01202 605311 or email the Office.
What is a typical Sunday at St. Paul’s like? Click here to find out!
SAFEGUARDING St Paul's Church takes its responsibilities surrounding the safeguarding of children, young people, and adults who may be at risk very seriously, and works in partnership with the Diocese of Salisbury to ensure that we work in accordance with best practice at all times. Find out more here. |