Pastoral Care

At St Paul’s we are always concerned about the wellbeing of the members of our congregation and beyond them to the community around us.

Some people find it difficult to get out and need to know someone cares. We  have a team of pastoral visitors who work alongside our clergy and lay minister to visit and support those in in need.

But in reality the caring team is everyone in the church.   We’re all called to be mindful of the needs of those around us and to support them by being prayerful and considerate, understanding and encouraging and practical without being overbearing or intrusive.

Team Carol at Kingston Lacy

If you or someone you know would value a visit from one of our pastoral care team please fill in one of the purple home visit request cards at the back of the church or contact:   Church Office on 01202 605311 or email Lopez Office

Jesus said ‘Love one another as I have loved you’